More details about my work
- I can work alongside your lab scientists or software developers or plan and execute your projects independently and will
- enable you to use state-of-the-art software systems to develop new ideas and products with them.
- Previous bioinformatic jobs in academic and commercial settings:
- World-leading genome annotation pipeline Ensembl at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
- Data management as part of the international ENCODE project
- Genomic testing applications for the IVF market (PGT-A / chromosomal screening with VeriSeq PGS & BlueFuse Multi) at BlueGnome Ldt. & Illumina
- Recent bioinformatics consulting projects: Sequencing data analysis as part of product development, custom pipeline development, PGT-A algorithm development.
- Optional design, prototyping and testing phases or executed to ISO 13485 (medical devices) standard.
- Providing documentation and helping with scientific publications.
Further profiles:
Member of:
Verband der Gründer und Selbstständigen Deutschland e.V. |
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society
